Helping You Help Yourself


Are you someone that struggles with insecurity, or feels that your perfectionism gets in your way, or maybe it’s just that you feel stressed all the time?

Would you like to be coached in a way that both focuses on your desired outcome as well as holding space for the emotions that are presently holding you back?

Are you interested in learning a more mindful and heartful form of NLP?

With two decades of experience in personal development as a certified Coach-Counsellor as well as an internationally certified NLP trainer, I am dedicated to guiding you, if you are ready to do so, towards a path of self-discovery and authenticity.

Through my offering of live online training courses and coaching I help you help yourself.

Book a free consultation with me to get to know each other and discover whether we are a match for what you are looking for.

👋 Richard

Richard JB Post

Be Yourself

Overcome your insecurity

Manage your stress

Get to grips with perfectionism

Reach your goals

Get unstuck


NLP Coaching

Do you want to explore the possibilities of coaching/therapy for dealing with your feelings of insecurity, perfectionism and/or stress?

Online training

Bespoke training

Richard JB Post

certified Coach-Counsellor & NLP Trainer

My name is Richard Post. Driven from an early age by the desire to help others, working with people has become the common thread throughout my career. With a passion for self-development, I wish everyone a happy and fulfilled life. As an NLP coach-therapist and trainer, I am here for you.

My fascination with people

I have been working on personal development for almost 20 years. People fascinate me. The question ‘Why does someone do what he/she does?’ has motivated me to look for answers. That’s how I accidentally came across NLP. That was a true revelation for me and slowly but surely NLP gave me more and more answers to my questions about being human.


NLP forms the basis of my work, supplemented with knowledge and skills from person-centered therapy, mindfulness, systems theory, trauma processing and the role of the body in psychological complaints. There are always new developments in my field and that fascinates me enormously, so that is why I keep on learning.

My vision on coaching/therapy

For me, finding meaning is the key to a happy and fulfilled life. I would be happy to guide you in your growth process, based on the idea of ‘sponsorship’: seeing the possibilities in you and supporting you in your endeavours. I offer a safe space for what is, without judgement. Together we go on a journey to discover what is important to you and how you can heal and overcome the obstacles in your path.

My strengths

From a place of tranquility and safety, from the heart, with use of my intuition, sensitivity, knowledge and life experience, I guide you through life’s questions. I am down-to-earth and pragmatic, but at the same time open to the mystical in life.

My mission

Through coaching, therapy and training I help people find their way back to themselves. I would be very happy to embark on that quest with you if you are ready for it.

My certifications:

NLP Practitioner & Master Practitioner

NLP Trainer

NLP Health Coach

Academic Coach-Counselor

Nature and Walking Coach

Mindfulness and Self-compassion

Relational Presence

Contact me

Are you ready to take the next step in your development? Please feel free to book a free Coaching Call with me to discuss what I can do for you.

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Let's connect

Book a free consultation and let's see if we can work together